If you’ve ever flown business or first class then there’s probably a certain point at which you’d discern whether you’re getting value for your money or you’re just splurging. If you’re on some kind of business deployment, whether you’re sent by an employer or if you’re representing none other than your businessperson-self, you’d probably alternate between flying business or first class and flying economy. You would base that purely on the overall value you ultimately get.
For example, it doesn’t make sense to buy a business class ticket that costs at least twice as much as the equivalent economy class ticket, if you’re going on a short, three-hour flight, does it? On the other hand, it would make perfect sense if you were perhaps partly flying across the Andaman Sea, on a long-haul 10-hour+ flight on which you could do with a good night’s sleep, wouldn’t it?
That’s the value business travellers typically pay for, sometimes using the expense account of the company they work for, but it does indeed ultimately come down to value.
Depending on a number of factors, such as the explored one of how long the flight is, a business traveller simply wants to make the trip they’re deployed on as comfortable as possible so that they’re in the best shape to complete whatever bit of businesses they’re deployed on. You don’t want to stress about not getting enough fuel in your belly on account of something like the food cart in economy class running out of the choices friendly to your stomach, for example. Similarly, you don’t want to wake up with a stiff neck having fallen into a very awkward upright sleeping position…
The value a business traveller pays for often transcends what the casual eye can see right in front of them, leading to thoughts like how we’re all going to arrive at the same destination, at the same time, in any case. It’s more about how each aspect of the trip affects them and they want to minimise the negative effects.
That’s why business travellers are often distinguished when bookings are made, even for other travel aspects like accommodation. “Are you travelling for business or leisure?” is a question that is often asked and it’s only when you actually travel for business that you realise just why it is that question is so important.
So it’s all about a net gain in value for the business traveller, certainly in comparison to the leisure traveller for whom the exact opposite typically applies.
Now, when we talk about full-time business professionals, that net value gain is suggested to be pretty significant if you take into account the most expensive private jets owned by those business professionals who travel so frequently that they not only need to fly private, but own their own jets as well. How much money is someone dealing with if they can afford to have all the associated costs flying privately taken care of? Business professionals with this type of money to spend clearly are able to because they know how to manage what they’ve got, this could be through a wealth advisor or a money management team, depending on their needs, however, even with this help, these costs can spring up anywhere.
It’s certainly not cheap to own and maintain a private jet, but there do exist a whole host of advantages when you have access to that kind of on-demand flying. It is therefore quite the experience just to have the opportunity to fly private via private charter service. Thankfully, there are companies like Jettly who can help in fulfilling the dreams of those who wish to fly in a private jet at least once in their lifetime.