What You Need to Know about College Moving

For most of us, college life forms an integral part of who we later become in life.

The friends we make in college end up becoming part of our professional life. The numerous interactions, experiences and memories we create not only help us lay the foundations for our lives, but also shape our outlook of the world and life in general.

In other words, college is more than just an academic institution: it gives us a glimpse into how the world works and our place in it.

College life starts with moving into campus. And we have some tips to help make your transition more seamless when prepping for your big day.

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Know the rules and regulations

First and foremost, you need to familiarize yourself with all the college rules and regulations. These are readily available on the college website and when not clear, consider calling, emailing or visiting the admissions office in person for clarification on any concerns you may have.

International students should seek advice from their respective embassies, consulates and/or diplomatic missions before their move.

When college moving, make sure you have the necessary documentation. All the relevant paperwork like admission letters, exam results, birth certificates, passports and all those others requested of you need to be ready.

Get to know what the college offers beforehand

You also need to know what amenities are available in your school in order to plan accordingly.

Will you be moving into a dorm or residing off-campus? Do you plan to share a room? What’s available in your room or dormitory? At what time and where do you report or register on moving day? Is parking available?

This is all info you need to be privy to in advance to avoid any disappointments.

As well, meeting your roommate or speaking to them in advance sets the tone for a smoother transition. This also gives you the opportunity to not only learn about each other, albeit vaguely, but also to discuss what items you’ll be cost-sharing.

Dress appropriately on moving day

For the most part, moving day will be spent moving up and down, so you would be doing yourself a favor by dressing appropriately for the day.

That means opting for easy wear like jeans and sneakers or flat shoes as opposed to a dress or high heels.

You will be more comfortable and efficient this way.

Pack lightly

Ideally, you should not pack heavy. Pack only essential items that should be able to fit in your car. But necessarily it doesn’t mean that, you would not be able to pack your favorite things or would not be able to hire movers and packers (Glen Huntly Removalist, for one) to complete the job for you.

Seasonal items like winter clothing can always be purchased when the time comes. Otherwise, you can bring them along and rent a storage unit near campus to keep them – along with any other belongings you may want to temporarily store.

When choosing such spaces, ensure that you are picking the right ones. Some units fail to maintain the premises neat and clean, and as a result, your precious items would be covered in dust when you go to pick them up. And, if in doubt, you can always turn to self-storage units such as Boombox Storage for reference, where items can be picked up from your location and inventoried online with photos. This way, it could be more convenient for you to search for the items next time.

Hire a mover for your college move

If you’re not sure if all your stuff will fit into your car, you can opt to hire a moving truck or van. You will find plenty of companies offering college moving services regardless of your location.

Do your homework on the movers well, basing your search on factors such as cost, reputation of the mover, experience in executing college moves and their availability, just to mention a few.

The best thing about hiring a mover is that it frees up considerable time that you can use to deal with the most pressing engagements – registration, for example.

In closing, whether you decide to have a friend or family member help you out or hire the services of a college moving company, the idea is to avoid wearing yourself out on the first day.

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